
Embarking on his journey as an actor, Lee Washington has built a rich portfolio that showcases his captivating presence on screen and stage. He has ventured into both modeling and the theatrical arts, honing his skills and passion for the craft.

Over the years, Lee has embraced a wide range of roles, leaving an indelible mark in various plays, commercials, and films. Notably, his cinematic debut in the independent horror movie, “House Hunting,” marked the inception of his storytelling prowess, and his recent production, “In Transit,” for Cinema Ace Entertainment and Amazon Prime Video, exemplifies his continued commitment to the art of acting.

Explore his captivating acting endeavors in our gallery, and immerse yourself in the world of storytelling as defined by Lee’s unique style and artistic prowess.

Lee washington reel

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Scheels VISA TV Spot 'We're All Going'

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KKI Managing parenting Scene 1

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Easter Feast with MOWI Salmon

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